Thursday, November 04, 2004

Day Four

I suffocated during my walk to my next class in the lonely halls of this intimidatingly big school. They must have been born in the Amazon, I thought, all these kids who were so much bigger than me. Giants of flailing imprecise limbs and awkward motions surrounded me and the stench of damp isolation was thick in the air. I didn't like it already. And more to the point I was terrified. What if by some magical account someone in the locker room would have read my mind? Or what if one of those divine boys would have seen the deviant lust in my eyes? What if anyone would have seen me and noticed the obvious? I'd be dead for sure. Then I wondered ... I wondered quite simply how far my relationships with dead things that only I saw would take me. Would they protect me if I needed them, these ghosts in my head? I'd always been ridiculed my entire life, ostracized for being different and distant, for carrying on conversations when it seemed no one was near me. Little did they know someone was always near me. Little did they know, more times than not, I knew their secrets.

"Hey, yo, watch out!"

"Agggh!" I screamed as I got pummelled right into yet another locker, my books falling on the floor. This time my assailant was this really tall and ashy boy, not very attractive at all. His teeth were yellow. He was trying to catch something, I'm not sure what or why. I never understood sports. Though he may not have meant to run into me like a 6 foot thin bullet, he did not apologize or even acknowledge me. He just ran back to his buddy, shouting something. Some slang. I don't know. I picked myself up, dusted off my clothes and tried to tuck my shirt in neatly into the crease of my pants. I gathered up my books and found my class just as a loud siren like bell rang shrilly in my ears. Just in time.

This was a science class. There were lab desks set up for two students each. Perfect. Just perfect. There weren't many empty seats. I just took the one nearest me, next to a girl I recognized from my previous school. Apparently she had really developed over the summer. Her hair was pulled back into two tight braids. She stood straight as an arrow, her chest pronounced outward, no doubt to call attention to the two everpresent orb-like spheres that had suddenly materialized over the course of three months. They most definitely had not been there before. Still, though, she was a girl and held very little interest with me. As it turns out, I held very little interest to her either because she turned up her nose and made this inscrutably ugly face at me, like I was a mound of stinky bile that had come to infect myself on her.

"Uh, no honey. U can't sit here." Understand she had that deep Mississippi drawl, we all did, and this made her words sound even more condescending than even she could have hoped. Normally, I buckled down from challenges, but something about her nasty demeanor provoked a backbone in me, if only for a moment.

"Why not?" I asked. "Last I knew this was a free country."

"Oh, no he didn't" was sure to come out of her odd shaped lip stick covered mouth next, but before she could utter a single word, a deep manly voice sounded us all to attention.

"TALKING CEASE!" Everybody shut up, some of them even froze mid - sentence and mid - gesture, as our teacher waddled her way up to the front of the class. She looked like the blob. A big giant blob with a bad wig and 10 inch thick spectacles. Her fatty skin, which hung loosely around what one could only hope was a skeletal being, was tinted what we liked to call "high yella", but what was actually closer to cinammon brown. And on this fatty skin she wore a mound of hot pink rouge and sky blue mascara. I could only smile to keep myself from laughing.

"Ladies and gentleman," she began, "this is not a classroom for your social enjoyment! When the bell sounds," and she elongated and enunciated all her "s" sounds as if they were "z" sounds, "all chatter comes to a complete stop. Anyone caught talking will find themselves ..." and she paused dramatically, "in a place they surely don't want to be. Do I make myself clear?" As if on command, the entire classroom nodded their heads, mouths stupidly agape.

"My name ... " she loved to pause, as if her sheer presence weren't enough to dramatize her effect. " Mzzzz. Banks. CLASS REPEAT! MZZZZ. BANKS!"

We all, each and everyone of us, whether we knew or not, repeated like trained soldiers, "MZZZZ. BANKS!"

And so the class begun. And the snotty stuck up girl with new tits had not managed to rid herself of me ... yet.


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